
Like the other things I look for in a guitar, “value” is subjective. For me, value means the amount you pay for a guitar from me will be a fair price in terms of the quality of guitar you receive and the amount of enjoyment you receive from playing it. As I stated before, I focus on guitars that are meant to be played, not sit in the case as a collector item. Having said that, many of the guitars I buy and sell do have the potential to increase in value over the years, but this is not their main benefit. 

For example: I’ve bought and sold a number of Sigma by Martin guitars over the years. I focus on buying the higher-end Sigma models like the DR-35 and DR-41 because I believe they have the best value in term of both a playing guitar and future valuation. In addition, the MIJ models tend to have better values than the MIK models.

Another point about value is you can find a good value guitar at most any price point. There are $100 guitars that are good values and $10,000 guitars that are good values. My guitars tend to be in the $300-$1000 range and all of them I consider to be good values. But you will be the ultimate judge of that.

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